The MCC organization
The Board
Corporate governance is organized by the Board, which, in accordance with the Swedish Companies Act, is responsible for the Group’s organization and administration, as well as for the internal controls which ensure that accounting, management of assets, and financial relations, in general, are satisfactory.
The Board makes decisions on the Group’s strategy, long-term objectives and policies, approves the annual report and guidelines for remuneration to senior management and makes decisions concerning the Group’s financial structure. The Board is also tasked with continuously assessing the company’s operational management, including the work of the CEO.
Group management and organization
The Group management is comprised of the CEO, the regional Presidents, the CFO, and the individuals responsible for Group-wide functions such as Global Sales Coordination, R&D, Sourcing, IT, and HR, Quality and Management System. MCC´s operation is organized into four geographical regions; North America, Europe, IMEBA (India, Middle East, and Africa), and APAC (Asia and Pacific).